2023 VJGC Winter Retreat Registration Form

Please fill in the registration form and complete the payment.

The price for each participant is now $200 CAD

$ 200
Please fill in your personal details and credit card information
2023 VJGC Winter Retreat
Participant Info
Do you need a ride? Required
Rules & Acknowledgement・規則及び承知事項

Kick Out Rules/厳重禁止規則(違反者はキャンプからの追放)

  • No drugs/alcohol/cigarettes

  • ドラッグ、酒類、タバコの禁止

  • No inappropriate sexual relationships

  • 不純異性交遊の禁止

  • Don't go beyond the boundaries (Campfire place is the boundary limit. Don't go to the lake side. Slipping risk.)

  • 立ち入り禁止区域への侵入禁止(焚き火台が境界・川沿いへは立ち入り禁止)

  • Be inside the cabin by given time set by committee team

  • 運営委員会によって定められた時刻までにキャビン内へ戻ること

I have read over the rules above and will fully obey them during the entire duration of the retreat. I am fully aware that breaking any of these rules will, without any warning, result in a "Kick Out" consequence. A "Kick Out" consequence is an immediate withdrawal from the winter retreat, where the participant will be sent home.


Other rules/その他の規則

  • Listen to small group leaders and committee members

  • スモールグループリーダー及び連営委員の指示に従うこと

  • Attend all sessions (lack of sleep is not a reason to skip a session)

  • 全てのセッションに参加すること(睡眠不足による欠席は認められない)

  • No sleeping during the sessions

  • セッション中の居眠りは禁止

  • Sleep properly at night (especially Thursday night)

  • 睡眠を正しく取ること

In addition, I have read over the rules above and acknowledge that if any of the rules above are broken, it is considered inappropriate and disrespectful. ("Immediate withdrawal" is not effective for the four rules above, but the participant must always be aware of these rules.)


Rules Required
Liability Waiver and Risk Acknowledgment・免責事項

Liability Waiver and Risk Acknowledgment/免責事項

I understand that participation in trip activities could involve risk of physical injury, illness, death or property loss, and despite safety precautions, the church cannot guarantee safety thereof, as all risks cannot be prevented. Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church, does not provide health and accident insurance for trip participants, and I understand that any medical expenses, property loss, or other personal expenditures that result during or from this travel/trip, are to be borne by the student/participant, or by their parent or guardian (if student/participant is a minor).  

私は、 本キャンプに参加するにあたって、身体的傷害、病気、死亡または財産の損失等を伴う可能性があることを理解します。また、本キャンプ運営委員会は安全上の配慮を徹底いたしますが、尚すべてのリスクを防ぐことはできず、VJGCはその安全性を保証しかねることを理解します。なお、VJGCは本キャンプにおいて、健康・傷害保険に加入してしておらず、本キャンプに起因する医療費、物的・金銭的損失、またはその他の個人支出は、参加者、または学生/参加者が未成年者である場合はその親及び保護者が一切を負担することを理解します。

Liabilities Required
Name / Email / Credit Card Info
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Billing Details

Here is your payment summary:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: $200