Church Staff

Senior Pastor

Ted Fukusaku

Believed in Christ while working in the United States. Enters Tokyo Christian University to receive M.Div. After graduating from seminary, becomes pastor at Karuizawa Christian Church for four years. In 2001 moves to Vancouver and becomes pastor at Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church. Father of three sons and one daughter. Hobbies include ‘Go’ (Japanese chess), Jogging, reading.

Assistant Pastor

Mari Fukusaku

Believed in Christ at Okutama Bible Camp. After working at Kinki-Nippon Tourist for two years, enters Tokyo Christian University to receive M.Div. After graduating from seminary, becomes pastor at Karuizawa Christian Church for four years. In 2001 moves to Vancouver and becomes pastor at Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church. Mother of three sons and one daughter. Hobby is baking, and special skills is impersonations.

Associate Ministers

Tony & Pat Schmidt

Serving as associate pastors at Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church since 2011 after retiring in Japan where they served as missionaries with OMF International since 1972.

Director of Outreach

Yuya Fukusaku

Born and raised in a Christian home. Recieved the calling to work for ministry at the age of 17, and made the decision to study at Tokyo Christian University. Upon graduation in April, 2023, began working as a Director of Outreach for Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church. Hobbies include working out, playing sports, and cutting hair. 

Church Secretary

Homi Akitaya

Born and raised in a Christian home, worked as a kindergarten teacher in Japan and Korea. Moved to Vancouver in 2009, mother of four kids, and joined our staff as church secretary in 2016.

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